Class 5B at Bakkeskolen in Kolding, Danhostel Won the Competition against Bullying

    Line Juhl Kronow

    Yesterday, Danhostel's Director, Ole Andersen, surprised class 5B at Bakkeskolen in Kolding with a huge gift - a camp school stay worth 20,000 DKK at Danhostel. The students can now look forward to spending 3 days at a Danhostel.

    Forty schools participated in the competition and submitted 70 different ideas on how to solve the problem of bullying in schools. The competition was sent to all schools in Denmark in February and the assigned task was to find at least three good ideas to deal with bullying in school.  

    Good Idea – Great Result

    Class 5B won the competition because their idea benefits not only their class, but classes across the country. They created QR codes which give them ideas on which games would be fun for all their classmates.  In that way no one would be left out and the relationship among all in the class would be strengthened.

    "It's simple, contemporary and a way to show sympathy," said Helle Rabøl Hansen, who helped to choose the winner of the competition.

    Top 3 Winners

    1st prize: A school camp stay at Danhostel worth DKK 20,000. Winner: Class 5B, Bakkeskolen in Kolding

    2nd prize: Ice cream for the whole class. Winner: Class 7A, Lindegårdsskolen in Lyngby

    3rd prize: Ice for the whole class. Winner: Class 8B, Hørsholm School in Hørsholm

    Danhostel sends a big “Thank You” to ALL the schools, classes and students who participated in the competition. We hope our initiative has been instructive and will focus on fighting bullying at tall schools in Denmark.

    Read the press release in Danish here


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    Danhostel Esbjerg has a New Hostess
    Line Juhl Kronow

    Sally Due Sperling will be the new hostess at Danhostel Esbjerg on January 1, 2020. She will replace Marianne and Børge Bull who will say goodbye after 23 wonderful years as hosts at Danhostel Esbjerg. Sally is not a stranger to Danhostel as she is the current hostess at Danhostel Kolding and will say goodbye at the end of 2019.

    School Camps at Danhostel for more than 20 Years
    Line Juhl Kronow

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